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What it is:
Naturally Gazania Herbals Chinese Herbal Soup Mix for bone, tendon, ligament and kidney health. This soup will help you if you have a broken bone, fracture, or sprain. Use this herbal mix to help you recover from injury.


Which concerns is this herbal mix good for?
✔ Broken Bones
✔ Fracture
✔ Sprain
✔ Torn Ligaments 
✔ Joint pain
✔ Low back pain


Key benefits:
- Strengthens Bones, Tendons, Ligaments 


Herbs in this mix are traditional Chinese medicinal herbs used to tonify the liver and kidneys, strengthen bones and tendons.

To use:

Add the whole bag of herbs to a big pot of bone broth, vegatable soup or soup. Broth herbs should simmer at least 30 minutes to receive the full benefits and can simmer up to 24 hours. These culinary medicinal herbs are versatile and can be used with many vegetables, meats, grains, culinary herbs and spices.



 All ingredients are organic and sustainably sourced when possible.


Ingredients: (Bone/ Tendon/ligaments/Kidney Health Herbal Mix)


Du Zhong- Supports Bone health and circulation 


Ba Ji Tian- Benefits marrow, supports skeletal structure 


Dang Gui- Chinese Angelica Root (Dang Gui/Dong Quai) - Highly valued for the treatment for a host of women's illnesses, dong quai root has been shown to affect estrogen and other hormones in animals. It has the ability to nourish the blood and strengthen the female reproductive organs. This formula uses a large dose of dong quai as the principle herb to supplement and vitalize the blood, dispel stasis and generate the new.


Shan Yao- Nourish Kidneys 

Herbal Soup /Broth Mix Bone/Ligament/Tendon/Kidney (FREE SHIPPING IN USA)

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